Monday, October 24, 2011

Paris: Day 1

Since I have so many photos from Paris, I'm going to split them up by my favorites of each day. This was the day we landed, so excuse me for my jetlagged face and wild hair. It was pretty cloudy this day but we were lucky with getting beautiful weather for the rest of the trip.

1. Place de Vosges (right next to my hotel)
 2. The Royal Turenne café with my mom and cousin (we became regulars by the end of the trip)
3. Beautiful building
4. Flowers at the market
5. Me on the Seine
6. The back of Notre Dame
7. Front of Notre Dame
8 & 9. The beautiful glowing buildings of Paris on the Seine

Wearing: Tee: Chaser / Boots: Cynthia Vincent / Bag: D & G / Necklace: London Manori


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Elizabeth + Sylvie